Simple way to create Stored Procedure
i. First we need to Create Database in Sql Server.
Create database Employee;
ii. Enter to Database.
use employee;
iii. Need to Create table with tblemployee.
create table tblemployee
Eid int ,
EName varchar(50),
Dept varchar(50),
Salary int
iv. It shows how to insert values in tblemployee.
insert into tblemployee values (1,'Ravi','Civil',20000);
insert into tblemployee values (2,'Raju','Mech',35000);
v. Display all the record of tblemployee.
select * from tblemployee
vi. Resultant will be display here:
Same thing can be done in Stored Procedure
vii. We need to create a Stored Procedure by the name spEmployee to display all record in tblemployee.
create proc spEmployee
select * from tblemployee;
viii. This exec/execute command will execute the StoredProcedure.
exec spEmployee;
ix. Resultant of Stored Procedure :
Hope you all understand the simple example of Stored Procodure ..
Do have any query regarding my code you can comment below !!!
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